"There are better ideas in the bin than on air"

Reverse Creativity


The most famous hole

Hole in one

Suppose we give you a golf ball to start your course in the field. A spe­cial ball which, in addi­tion to fly­ing higher and farther, is so accu­rate that it will hollow the hole in its first blow. That magic ball is called ytivitaerC. A weird name that you will pro­ba­bly remem­ber as soon as I tell you it stands for Reverse Creativity. Even more when you find out how it works and de­cide to put it into practice.

Is this a good idea?



This ad is fictitious and never has been published.

Out of the mirror

There is nothing like look­ing at the mirror and feel­ing good in our own skin. Let's leave behind that gray world that empties us. Let the illu­sion fill our soul with the full spec­trum of its light. Let's show without com­plexes what we really are: Unique. Let's be 100% ori­ginal, diffe­rent. Let's be proud of our­selves once and for all. With­out reflec­ting on any­thing or anyone. Let's get out of the mirror and reco­ver our essence. Let no one tag us, nor frame us.

Inspired by:

Back to our origins

100% backwards = 100% original


I've thought of this concept for Danone's Acti­via since its com­mu­nication uses the navel as a visual key, but obviously it could be adapted to any fruit product that cares for the body. It can be arti­cu­lated as a campaign for different flavors such as peach, apple, apri­cot or orange, using the stem cor­res­ponding to each fruit. A "0% belly fat challenge" could also be spread as viral on social networks such as Ins­ta­gram, Pinterest, Snap­chat or Vine, whose winner would be ad­ded as an image of the campaign.

World Health Organization

Happy Breathday to all, active and passive smokers. May 31 is the World No Tobacco Day promoted by the World Health Organization since 1987. Let's breathe deeply and fill our lungs with fresh air at least for 24 hours.

Cacaolat Mocca

Cacaolat Mocca is a premium product of the Cocoa Lovers range, which, as its name sug­gests, is made up of the ori­ginal and charac­teristic cocoa of this choco­late milk­shake with a touch of sophis­tication, the touch of high qua­lity coffee from Arabia.


Open your mind and open up. Open a Moritz and get out of your con­fine­ment. Open your heart to new expe­rien­ces. Open up to Moritz, a whole world awaits you.

I propose that Moritz set up his own Escape Rooms in authen­tic places of Bar­ce­lona, ​​which could be broad­casted on social networks, with viral and gaming-apps to mobi­lize the sup­por­ters and in­duce them to par­ti­ci­pate. Real Escape Rooms and also virtual (aug­men­ted reality) that could lead Escape Sofas or Escape Closets.


There is a claim, poorly defended by those of us who have been strug­gling for some time in this busi­ness, that says: "Congra­tu­la­tions for mak­ing the idea big­ger than the logo". Well, in this case the idea is the logo.

Cacaolat Original

This interactive marquee indicates the outside tempe­rature with the Cacaolat level. The message, appa­rently contradictory, appeals to the mne­monic. The ne­ces­sary de­cod­ing of the message by the receiver causes it to be anchored in his mind. In addition, its paradoxical character stimu­lates a certain curio­sity that generates a positive atti­tude towards the product. A pro­duct that offers the solution to a problem, cold or hot, at the moment in which occurs.

June Movie
Hello June

"June" is the first film by Ahammed Khabeer, a young screen­writer and di­rec­tor from Malayali who is very talented. Released in India on Fe­brua­ry 15, I hope we can see it soon in Europe. As May is coming to an end, June would be a perfect month.


I have recycled this 1951 photo to dedicate it to one of the most success­ful slogans of Guinness. A base­line alrea­dy used 10 years before by Heinz for his well-known ketchup not suita­ble for impa­tient people.

I wonder if this ad would be appro­priate today given its gender conno­tations. Let's see: The one who waits looks like a naked woman, so she waits for the "good" as soon as it crosses the door.

Does this insinua­ting and provo­cative attitude dispa­rage women? I would say no. What's more, I confess #metoo: I've just expe­rienced this same situa­tion, but the other way around. It was me who await­ed my girl­friend naked at home after a certain time missing her, al­though with a glass of wine instead of beer.

Inspired by:


The harp


I've recycled this Durex ad, suppos­edly published in March 2007, adding a head­line to make it my parti­cular tribute to all fathers on their cele­bra­tion day. It would be a nice campaign a one with dif­ferent figures and colors for the whole range of condoms.

Imagine a street artist sculp­ting all kinds of dolls with condoms and giving them to the nearby pedestrians.

Recycled from:

This is Me Ink.

Fly with Me

Would you get on a hot air balloon whose pilot lacks enough flight experience? So why would you leave your com­mu­ni­cation in inex­pert hands? The suc­cess of a cam­paign depends on being noto­rious, per­sua­sive and me­morable. And that can only be achieved in 2 ways: With plenty of money to spread the mes­sage until it reach­es the au­dience's mind or with crea­ti­vity to reach their heart at first chance. The more crea­tivity, the less invest­ment. But creativity must be accu­rate. Good ideas fly high and far. Bad ones can make you crash.  Futuristic version

Flight hours

Oopsound Start-up
Oopsound Music

"Get ready to hear what you never heard before"

Oopsound: The free Music Platform that fans and pros were waiting for (but afraid to ask).

11ONES Design

"Just a few shall reach it"

Genuine creations touched by a sort of philosopher’s stone capable of turning pure gold into pure emotion.

Lürzer's Archive cover

"Nothing like a delicious turkey to open a good bottle of rosé wine"

It looks like a turkey, but it is a lion; or better said, the ideal corkscrew to celebrate what ended up being: Gold Lion in Cannes. A campaign that also hunted plenty of major pieces in other top advertising grounds.

González Byass

"Fruits de mer"

Fruits of the sea that satisfied the exquisite palates of the jury in numerous advertising waters: Gold Lion in Cannes.

D.O. Navarra

"The hunting season is open"

The hunting season begins loaded with the ammunition of the red wines from Navarra.


"We don't ask for more than you can give"

Chapeau for the girl who gave us much more than what we asked for. An angel that I will always keep in my heart. Put your Cap On campaign for the Association of Relatives and Friends of Oncological Children.

FC Barcelona

"Palestinians and Israelis defend each other"

For the first time (and hope it is not the last) Israelis and Palestinians are united for a common good. A team made of professional players from both countries face the Football Club Barcelona in the first Match for Peace ever played at the Camp Nou.

Pedras Salgadas

"Appease your most basic instinct: Thirst"

In Portugal there was a rumor that "Agua das Pedras" raised something more than the spirit. It was enough to encourage the urban legend a bit to become extremely viral.


"You are the jewel"

The real jewel is not made of noble metals and precious stones. The true jewel is the woman who wears it.

Random House Mondadori

"No bookless, thanks"

We suggest you go to the beach with a pocket book DeBolsillo, even if you do not wear any pockets.


"Trip with no return"

The danger of partying by car is that alcohol and drugs can change the driver's seat on the way back.

Pedras Salgadas


Our best half does not have to be similar to us. It is usually our opposite.